
In a music rut? Or want to know what’s hot in the college music world? The KWVA music blog is your solution!

The KWVA music blog is a creative space for all musically curious folks. You’ll find coverage of station and local events, album reviews, interviews with local bands, oh-so-perfectly curated playlists, the weekly charts so you know what’s cutting edge, and more music-related topics.

Hanging out with Lane Kim and Rory Gilmore

By Sadie Tresnit

‘Tis the season for pumpkin pie, cozy sweaters, steaming mugs of coffee, and, of course, “Gilmore Girls.” If you’re anything like me, the show is on 24/7 as soon as the leaves start to change color. Naturally, I’m not content to just watch; I have to fully immerse myself in Stars Hollow with the perfect playlist. Do I spend an unhealthy amount of time imagining I’m friends with Lane Kim? Maybe, but that’s only because we would get along so well. Without further ado, I present the soundtrack for my imaginary day of hanging out with Lane and Rory.

Earn Enough For Us - XTC

This song plays in the show over a montage of Lorelai and Rory getting ready in the morning, but I can definitely see either of them listening to all of “Skylarking” because it’s the best album ever. Bonus points here for “Dear God,” which Lane would listen to in bed after her parents went to sleep.

Move On…

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Finding The Joy in Walking To Class

By Malya Fass

Spotify users have seen the “daylist” – but who knows if the latest concoction of “indie morning upbeat jams mix” will speak to you on a given Tuesday? Here’s a playlist to add a little oomph to your walk across campus, and some of the highlights listed below. 

Campus - Vampire Weekend 

How could this song not be included on a walking-to-class playlist? Vampire Weekend encapsulates the angst of having a campus crush and lets us feel a little dreamy about the college experience.

Home Soon - Dope Lemon 

Dope Lemon samples “Stories??” by the Chakachas on this groovy song off of his 2017 album, “Hounds Tooth.” If I ever get stopped for one of those “what are you listening to” videos I hope I’m listening to this.


Come on Home…

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The Theremin and Katica Illényi

By Codi Farmer

Recently, I’ve been thinking about theremins a lot. According to BBC Music Magazine’s Classical Music, the theremin was the first electronic instrument ever invented — and was made by a Russian scientist, Leon Theremin in 1920. The theremin is especially interesting because it is a contactless instrument, meaning that all you have to do is wave your hand around the antennas for the instrument to make noise.

The theremin has two antennae, one vertical and one horizontal coming off the body of the instrument, and there are electromagnetic fields surrounding these antennae. Having movement around these fields creates interference — which is manifested in changing pitch and volume. The vertical antenna is responsible for changes in pitch, so the closer your hand gets to it, the higher the pitch will go. As for the horizontal one, the closer your hand gets…

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Experiencing Fruition within Colorado’s Mountain-Music Scene

Written and Photographed by Jack Skidmore

The spirit of Americana music is nurtured by small communities of individuals who hold a deep appreciation for its style. During this summer, Portland-based folk band, Fruition, established significant connections with multiple small mountain towns within Colorado through a multitude of self-produced songs and awe-inspiring live performances. Bearing personal witness to this was an incredibly rewarding musical experience surrounding this unique band. 

Prior to the formation of the full band, the frontwoman of Fruition, Mimi Naja, began a solo music career in Portland known as “Mimi Naja’s…

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The Pink Door

Written By: Ava Chand

& Photographed By: Paige Rodriguez

Who Is The Pink Door?

The Pink Door is an up and coming band making its way into the Eugene house show scene. Eugene houses college bands such as Left on Read, Bowl Peace, Down Rad, and Mommy, who even opened for Aminé at Matthew Knight Arena in the spring. The Pink Door is new to the scene, only playing two shows since their creation. However, they are not to be underestimated, for they are prepared to be heard far and wide through the Eugene house show scene. I had the opportunity to interview the band, and get an idea of where they emerged and their experience as newcomers to the scene. 

The story goes that lead singer and guitarist, Emily Bullinger, and classmate/ future bassist Claire Jenkins discovered they had a mutual love for music and had jokingly discussed starting a band. Jenkins knew future lead guitarist Ella Nixon from the…

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The Psychedelic/ Hip-hop Venn Diagram

Written By: Jack Skidmore

Historically, the blending of genres has created some of the most intriguing music to date. For myself, I have found the most enjoyment in artists that constantly aim to push the envelope with enthusiasm. For a few years now, one of my genre interests has been in the amalgamation of psychedelic genres and hip hop. 

From its birth in the ’60s, psychedelic rock has now evolved to a new form of neo-psychedelia that often is more pop-focused. Many artists in this domain now dominate much of the mainstream but still exemplify some of the psychedelic genre’s original characteristics. One of these that come to mind almost immediately especially when considering the blend of psychedelic and hip-hop is Kevin Parker of Tame Impala. His work with mainstream rappers such as Kanye West, Kid Cudi, and Travis Scott has led him to a high prestige in this art and perhaps coined him as hip-hop’s favorite rock star. However, I wanted to present a few more of…

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Cool Girl in a 90s Movie

Written By: Sadie Tresnit

You know those days when you’re wearing a perfectly comfy flannel shirt and your hair is low maintenance and you feel like you should be riding a skateboard? Those are the days when I feel like the effortlessly cool main character in a 90s movie, and obviously that feeling comes with a long list of songs. If Kat Stratford from 10 Things I Hate About You would be your best friend, this is the playlist for you.

1. Saints - The Breeders

It would be a crime to start this playlist with anyone but Kim Deal. I’m picturing this song playing during the opening credits while the main character of the movie (you, if that’s what you’re imagining) is leaving a building and boldly walking out into cold weather while wearing Doc Martens and some kind of edgy sundress. Summer is ready when you are.

2. If You Should Try To Kiss Her - Dressy Bessy

I listened to this song a lot last fall because I had just…

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Asian Artists You Should Check Out AAPI Month and Every Month

By: Megan Lorich

Plenty of Asian-American artists inhabit the current music scene. With icons like Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Norah Jones, let’s celebrate the Asian artists that make the music industry brighter! Some of these picks are more obscure, but we are also giving flowers to some iconic Asian singers that are performing today. 


Born to Punjambi immigrants, Raveena Aurora - who goes mononymously by Raveena - is an experimental pop and R&B artist from Massachusetts. Her most recent album, Asha’s Awakening, was released to rave reviews in February of 2022. We recommend you check out her hit “Honey”. 

Kiss the Tiger 

Rising to popularity due to their consistent airplay by Minnesota station 89.3 Meghan Kriedler fronts the Current, rock band Kiss the Tiger. Their sound has been described as late ’70s new wave punk, a sound that shines through off of their 2021 album Vicious…

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Downpour Review

Written By: Ava Chand

Photographed By: Calista Espino

At the University of Oregon, students were lucky enough to see Grammy-nominated rapper Aminé at Matthew Knight Arena for only ten dollars thanks to the Associated Students of the University of Oregon or ASUO. With his upcoming collaboration album with two-time Grammy award-winning producer, KAYTRANADA, the anticipation for this concert was high. Aminé’s set, visually speaking, was a lot more lowkey in comparison to his regular set during his 2021-2022 Best Tour Ever. In his initial tour, he made it known that he would be “taking a bit of Oregon with [him] wherever [he] goes” with a replica of the iconic neon Portland Oregon sign at every single show. Being a Portland-born and raised artist, Oregon holds a special place in his heart and always makes it known that he has Portland roots. In comparison to his very prideful tour, this set consisted of simply a giant screen, a DJ, and Aminé himself. While there wasn…

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Laurel Canyon Summer

Playlist by Lindy Bloom