Wishy - Triple Seven
Reviewer: DJ Taco Supreme
"WOAH. Did not know what to expect, but from the first track, I was hooked. This record is a suite of power-pop excellence that won’t let up no matter how fast your heart is beating. Reminds me of everything I love about 90’s-2000’s alternative rock, including: chorus-tremolo-filled guitar melodies, angelic harmonies, overdriven voices underneath fuzzy rhythms, driving-distorted bass, and overall stellar production that is unapologetically authentic down to the dust on the amplifiers and the coffee stains on the basement rug. Only song that feels a little out of place is #8, listen and you’ll get it... Play this record or else you WILL hurt my feelings!"
Rating: 10/10
Highlights: #1, #4, #2, #5, #9
RIYL: Sonic Youth, Deftones, Alvvays, Hum, The Cure