Forest Mountain Lion | Sunday Live Sessions Recap
Music Video / Full Performance / Interview
On January 19th, folk musician and singer/songwriter Forest Mountain Lion performed on KWVA Live Sessions. He was accompanied by bassist Jacob and vocalist Courtney. Listeners interested in Forest's music can find it on his website.
Film pictures and Live Session produced by DJ Taco Supreme.
Interested in performing on KWVA's Live Sessions? Email scheduling@kwvaradio.org for more information.

(Live Sessions is a show on KWVA every Sunday from 4pm-6pm during Fall, Winter and Spring terms. Bands and artists from Eugene and beyond are invited to perform LIVE as we turn our station into a DIY recording studio. Shows are often hosted by KWVA DJs, who interview the artists on-air. Live Sessions is produced and scheduled by the KWVA production department and it's hard-working assistants, with additional help from the KWVA Music department.)