DJ Spotlight: Emma from Emma's Restaurant

For today's DJ Spotlight, we've got Emma from Emma's Restaurant! Scroll down to hear about Emma's fun, interesting aesthetic and why you're going to want to tune in from 11 am - noon on Thursdays. DJ name: Emma Show time and day: Thursday mornings 11 - noon, Winter 2015 Show title: Emma’s Restaurant Hometown: Portland, Oregon KWVA: Tell us about your show. Emma: Like Hanson? What about southern folk songs from the 1920s? Here at Emma’s Restaurant we have it all! Artists you commonly play on the show? Lately I’ve been playing a lot of The Magnetic Fields and French pop music from the 1960s. Not good for my psyche but great for KWVA listeners. How long have you been a DJ? Since the beginning of fall term! Any influences for your show or as a DJ? The anonymous DJ from “The Warriors” and Pee-Wee Herman. What makes your show unique? I, like most other KWVA DJs, don’t discriminate against any kinds of music so I play a wide variety of things. I try to span a large spectrum of genres, cultures and artists in my shows, and I think listeners like not being able to expect what they’ll hear next. Favorite moment/memory as a DJ: Getting a call from a devoted KWVA listener and Eugene local during a show and learning he has a thorough knowledge of my dad’s Irish fiddle music. Thanks, Emma! If you're interested in being the next featured DJ of the week, contact