DJ Spotlight: DJ Spinladen

In the spotlight today is KWVA DJ, Spin Laden of Soul Donuts! As one of the longest running shows at KWVA, check out how Spin Laden has made it his mission to keep soul music alive and well on the airwaves. DJ name: Spin Laden Hometown: Green Bay, WI Show time: Wednesday 2 - 3 pm, Spring 2015 Show title: Soul Donuts 

Show genres: Soul and Funk music Artists commonly played on show: Lee Fields, Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, Charles Bradley and the Menahan St. Band How long have you been a DJ? Since 2008, 7 years. 

How did you get involved with KWVA? What made you want to be a DJ? Initially I just reached out to one of the DJ's and he told me all you had to do was fill out a little form. Done and done. I remember the form had a section that asked you for a list of favorite bands, maybe something like 100 of them, I decided to stay up all night and make mine rhyme. I really wanted to seal the deal I guess. As far as wanting to do radio, my ultimate goal in the beginning was just to share some of the soul gems I'd found during my crate digging days in the Midwest. It was easier for me to find those classic records from Detroit or Philly, closer to the source and when I moved here to Eugene I brought them all with me. At the time I wasn't hearing a lot of that stuff on the radio and I thought, perfect it's time to get a slot. Tell us your favorite memory as a DJ: That's easy because it's still fresh on my mind. Just a few weeks ago I had the chance to interview a great band from San Fran called The Monophonics. I've done a few other interviews in the past but this one went great. It's not everyday that a fantastic soul band comes to town so I just saw it as an opportunity to do something a bit different for the show. I'm going to be keeping my eye out for upcoming acts, I want to interview more soul and funk groups when the come to town. What makes your show unique? As I've said already I specialize in one of the only soul music shows on the air, but since the beginning I've always liked to inject the show with a bit of humor. Soul music isn't always the most uplifting, although I try to keep it uptempo, so I add in little sound bytes from the Simpsons just to have some extra fun. The show got its name from a Treehouse of Horrors episode where Homer sold his soul for a donut, so I just thought why not?! 

Any influences for your show or as a DJ? In the beginning watching the old school greats in action was a huge inspiration, my friend Marc Time of course, and many many others along the way. Especially a guy named Peter I think, who was in love with this one song called "Codine" by Buffy Saint Marie. He said he was a surf guitarist, but I never got to see him play. Ah KWVA, what a fun place to hang out. 

Anything else you’d like the world to know about you as a DJ? Or your show? Just to keep the soul music scene alive! Thanks, Spin Laden! If you're interested in being the next featured DJ of the week, contact