DJ Spotlight: DJ Palette AND DJ Satan!

While there are many peculiar happenings around the KWVA station, one of the more compelling cases is the phenomenon of the dual DJ. One man, two alter egos: DJ Palette and DJ Satan. Read on to experience the exclusive interview with both Palette and Satan. DJ SATAN   DJ PALETTE Hometown? Palette: Houston, Texas Satan: The seventh circle Show time? Thursdays 2-3 p.m., Fall 2015 Show title? Palette: Palette Cleanser Satan: The Maelstrom Show genres? Palette: Jazz, chamber, pop and electronic tunes that allow for deep relaxation and thought (or dance parties). Satan: The nastiest, dirtiest punk, rock and metal known to mankind. Which artists do you commonly play on your show? Palette: Nils Frahm, Flying Lotus, Young Fathers, Lone Satan: Queens of the Stone Age, Girl Band, Iceage, Baroness How long have you been a DJ? Palette- May 2014 Satan- The dawn of time How did you get involved with KWVA? Palette: I applied over and over again to be a DJ, but never got a response. So I signed up for the news team and eventually became news director before I even did any DJing. At that point I just asked if I could be a DJ. Before I came to UO I had worked in radio for two years, mostly because no one can tell I’m 5’4 when I’m on air. Satan: When I was trapped in this accursed mortal form, I needed a way to spread my ideals and brainwashing techniques on the masses. I realized that radio was a brilliant stepping stone to taking over the world. Tell us your favorite memory as a DJ: Palette: The hip-hop group Freestyle Fellowship once called the station during my show, wondering if they could be interviewed before their gig that night. I gave them directions and they just appeared at the station. I had no prep before hand, hadn’t even heard their new album, but I had a great conversation with all of them and we managed to fit, like, all nine of them in studio. Satan: I had a woman call me twice during my show just to say “I love you DJ Satan.” Good to know the brainwashing techniques are working. What makes your show unique? Palette: I have a condition called synesthesia where I “see” colors when I hear music. When I’m creating a playlist, I make sure that the colors, sounds and tempos match up as perfectly as possible, so there’s layer upon layer of sonic research done before each show. Satan: I do occasional black magic lessons during the show. Also it gives you an excuse to head bang. If you could play only one album on the radio for the rest of your DJ career, what would it be and why? Palette & Satan: Purple Rain. It’s literally perfect. How did you come up with your DJ name and/or show name? Palette: My show works as a palette cleanser, washing away all the bad music you may have come across in the day. Satan: I added “DJ” to my name. I don’t know what more you want. Dream guest to have on your show? Palette: Flying Lotus, no doubt. He’s got such a strange mind that connects music in a way that I don’t comprehend. Satan: Probably Jesus. I have some questions for that guy. Any influences as a DJ? Palette: The entire Brainfeeder label, which Flying Lotus runs. There’s no real genre distinction there. About a billion different ideas all all crammed together into a strange kaleidoscope of sound. If I can find one tenth of that brilliance on my show, I’ve done a good job. Satan: I’ve perfected the art of DJing. I owe nothing to anyone. You should be thanking me for appearing here. Anything else you’d like the world to know about you as a DJ? Satan: Know this mortals! One day I will rule this puny realm and all that inhabit it, and those who do not obey me will perish! (Pro tip: If you don’t want to be damned to the fire of oblivion, DJ Satan accept bribes of gold, concert tickets and pizza.) Top albums of 2015: Palette: Max Richter - Sleep Majical Cloudz - Are You Alone? Skyler Spence - Prom King Omar Souleyman - Bahdeni Nami Bjork - Vulnicura Satan: Battles - La Di Da Di Girl Band - Holding Hands with Jamie Envy - Atheist’s Cornea KEN Mode - Success Ghost - Meloria Soundcloud playlists from Palette and Satan! Thanks, DJ Palette and DJ Satan! If you’re interested in being the next featured DJ of the week, contact