DJ Spotlight: DJ Kramer of The Krem De Lá Kramer Show!

DJ Name & Show Title: Kramer of The Krem De Lá Kramer Show Show Time: Thursdays, 1 - 2 pm, Winter 2016 Hometown: Eugene, Ore. Show genres: News/Talk/Variety Artists commonly played on show: Father John Misty, The Beatles, Alabama Shakes, Paul Simon, The Strokes, Fleetwood Mac, Talking Heads, How long have you been a DJ? 1.5 years. Top 5 albums of 2015: Father John Misty - I Love You Honeybear  Alabama Shakes - Sound & Color  Tame Impala - Currents  Mac DeMarco - Another One Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell What made you want to be a DJ? Summer going into my junior year I decided to apply and got a slot shortly there after. Being a DJ was something that I wanted to do at KWVA for a while. I think the majority of the interest stemmed from listing to the station frequently in high school with fellow band mates. We would call in all the time and request our own music, although sadly they never played it... So that was also a reason to apply. Those tunes had to hit the airwaves. Tell us your favorite memory as a DJ: One show our “open form topic” was the craziest place you’d ever had sex. This got a lot of people to call in, and their stories were hilarious! What makes your show unique? A good portion of the show is talk and current events. It's myself and two other DJ’s every week (Joe Doubie and Still Waters). We also have what we call “open form topics” where we have people call in and give their two cents on whatever it is that were talking about. I feel that all these aspects make the show pretty unique. If you could play only one album on the radio for the rest of your DJ career, what would it be and why? Abbey Road - The Beatles. I feel that it is one of the best (if not the best) put together albums of all time. The album, as a whole, is extremely cohesive. Something I feel a lot of albums today lack. Any influences for your show or as a DJ? Howard Stern, Morning Shows in general. Listen to a sample playlist by Kramer here! Thanks, Kramer! If you’re interested in being the next DJ in the spotlight, contact