DJ Spotlight: The Count of Bonus Land

DJ Spotlights are back! We'd like to introduce our first DJ of 2016, The Count of the show Bonus Land. An old soul with charisma for days, The Count is sure to keep you from turning that dial throughout the hour. How does he do it? Read below: DJ Name & Show Title: The Count of Bonus Land Hometown: Portland, Oregon Show time: Wednesdays 10am-11am, Winter 2016 Show description: The show usually consists of my buddy DJ Boogie Bob and I trying to be cooler than we really are, and through that effort we try to play songs that we think people would like but may have never heard before. We think it's really cool to have people's attention for an hour, and we try to take full advantage of the opportunity presented to us. Artists commonly played on show: Rodriguez, Mac Demarco, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Washed Out, Future Islands, Leon Bridges, Grateful Dead, James Brown, Curtis Mayfield, Alabama Shakes, My Morning Jacket Ect. How long have you been a DJ? Almost 2 years Top 5 albums of 2015: 1) Mac Demarco - Another One 2) Alabama Shakes - Sound and Color 3) Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly 4) Tame Impalas - Currents 5) Rodriguez - Searching For Sugar Man (1970 something) What made you want to be a DJ? I really wanted to become a DJ because of the movie Pirate Radio. The movie took place at the height of radio in London during the 1960’s and Philip Seymour Hoffman character was an American DJ by the name of The Count. There was something about the movie that spoke to me, and I longed to be able travel back in time and join that movement of fighting the man and their censorship. Tell us your favorite memory as a DJ: The most memorable time on the radio was this last week, believe it or not. We got a call in from a student taking Ian McDonalds' ceramics class telling us that they were listening to our show and proceeded to request Steely Dan song. About 10 minutes later we were shouting out Ian’s class (never had him as a professor) and we got a call from the man himself. He explained that he hated Steely Dan and it was all a prank by his students. He ended up requesting a couple of bands that turned out really great! Thank you Ian for playing along. What makes your show unique? I think that we play songs that people have forgotten about through the decades. A lot of the music we play wasn’t made this century, and I think it give the show a very universal character. It’s really an hour for us to slow down the world to a simpler time, and play songs that give some insight to how the world used to function. If you could play only one album on the radio for the rest of your DJ career, what would it be and why? That’s hard question. If I were feeling loose and fun I would play Mac Demarco's Salad Days, but I’m currently listening to Rodriguez’s Searching for Sugar Man and it's awesome. Possibly my favorite album of all time. How did you come up with your DJ name and show name? Like I mentioned before, Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s Character in Pirate Radio was named The Count, so being a big fan of Phillip I thought it could be my little tribute to him. The show name Bonus Land was a group effort by a couple of my friends, really has no meaning but possibly all the meaning in the world. Use your imagination! Dream guest to have on your show? Mac Demarco would be awesome, but Keith Richards would be rather dull yet interesting. Any influences for your show or as a DJ? Sometimes I try my best to channel Berry White as I speak through the mic. Hopefully it’s noticed by the listener, but probably not. I usually just try to be myself, and have fun while on the air. Anything else you’d like the world to know about your show? We are just a couple of guys trying to make you listen to music that we think is better than anything else on the radio… We love to have people call in a request a song, possibly tell us a story, we like trying new food so if you have suggestions for that we would love to hear! The Count is counting out... Thanks, The Count! If you’re interested in being the next DJ in the spotlight, contact